Heiress Salon and Boutique
As the management at Heiress continues to consider you for employment. Please take the time to read over Heiress’s 9 Points of Culture. These cultures are what we use to define our actions and influence our decisions. They are also the framework of how we congratulate and commend each other for exceptional effort and achievement; and they likewise serve as the pillars of reference when we need to warn, reprimand, or dismiss an employee.
Imagine being aware, embodying, and truly LIVING these cultures in your day to day business at Heiress Salon and let us know what effect they would have on your ability to love working with us, and your ability to be incredibly successful with us. . Please write one to two paragraphs and send back via email.
Thank you, Management
Heiress Culture
The Foundation of our
Actions and Decisions
1. Integrity
I always speak the truth. What I promise is what I deliver. I only make agreements with myself and others that I tend to keep. I communicate things that may not be easy for others to hear. I know to communicate rather than keeping things to myself. I hold myself accountable for mistakes that I may have made. I use Heiress’s ethical standards and culture to make sure every guest and team member is treated with honesty and respect.
2. Pure-fessional
Good enough isn’t, I always deliver products and services of exceptional quality that add value to all involved. I know that my guest is seeking my knowledge and expertise to add in his or her style. I stay on track with what is on trend in the hair and fashion industry so I can give my guests the most up to date look. I believe that I have to look the part, I represent Heiress inside and outside of work. I will show up to work and events in professional wear, and with hair and makeup done. I keep a professional relationship with my guests, I keep work life separate from my outside life. The guests that I service are guests of Heiress Salon, I will maintain professionalism at work at all times.
3. Commitment
I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. Im committed to learning and practicing the culture, mission and success of Heiress Salon. I will take every step to makesure every team member is considered and I will help with whatever is needed to make sure the team has a successful day. I pride myself as loyal team member, I want to be surrounded by and encourage others to participate in a happy, friendly work environment. I only have the best intentions towards my peers, guests, and the growth of Heiress.
4. Conveyance
I speak positively of my fellow team members, my guests and Heiress Salon in both public and private. I acknowledge what is said to be true for the speaker at the moment, I will take responsibility for the responses I communicate. I will not allow myself to participate in gossip, I will make sure to defuse a negative situation with something positive. I will not complain about problems that can easily be fixed with a positive outlook. When a negative thought comes to mind I will find three positive thoughts to replace it. I will only discuss concerns with an individual in private. If I need help I’ll ask my peers whenever I feel uncertain about a task. I will greet people with a smile and a good morning and farewell people using their name and a thank you.
5. Nature Friendly
I will help lessen my footprint on the world, I will be sure to recycle all containers, plastic, tin, foils, colour, and hair into our green circle bins. I will not use the garbage for anything other than food waste. I care for the world I live in and in the ways I give back to society. I’m aware we share this planet with animals and I don’t want to see harm done to any living creature. I represent Aveda and strive to make conscious decisions based on keeping the world intact.
6. Experts
I’m open to learn from all my peers and from any mistakes. I constantly learn, grow, and master the challenges ahead of me daily. I am an educator, my peers are learning from me by observing my intentness. I will commit to developing my skills daily, I will keep a positive attitude about everyone of my guests requests. I will guide my guests into a style that will be best suited for them. I will act as the professional I am. I will attend every in salon educational class and travel for specific technical education. I will share my knowledge and help out my peers whenever they need my guidance. I will make sure I’m enrolled in the mandatory required classes yearly.
7. Synergy
I am a team player and a team leader. I do whatever it takes to help out my team until we achieve our goals. I’m flexible in my work and able to change if what I’m doing is not working. I ask for help when I need it and I am compassionate to others who ask me. I use positive words and body language to assist in team decisions. If I feel strongly about an issue, I will remember that we are in a team environment to support and respect each others opinion.
8. Enjoyable
I love my life and enjoy being around others that love there's. I like to live in the present, I leave the past decisions that haven’t helped encouraged my life behind, and choose to embrace the decisions that have created love and joy in my life. I love to joke around with my peers, and I like to see others have a good laugh. It brings complete joy to me when my guests requests are met and they leave happy.
9. Purpose
I am willing to participate in any events that Heiress hosts. I will give all my efforts to help with the greater causes of our fundraising projects . I will speak of passion and share the stories of the less fortunate that need our support far and wide. I will support Heiress and Aveda in their efforts to provide clean water to the people of Madagascar.